FRIENDS WAY serves families throughout Southeastern New England. Staffed with highly qualified mental health care professionals and extensively trained community volunteers, we provide peer support to children and their families in a safe and nurturing environment. Our services are free to all families, with 100% of our program funded through fundraising activities and community support.
We work closely with hospitals, schools, funeral homes, mental health agencies, pediatricians and individuals serving children and families in Rhode Island and Massachusetts. We also conduct volunteer training sessions to ensure the safety and quality care for the children and the families we serve.
We give back to the community through the provision of training programs, community outreach and crisis intervention outreach for grieving families. We also offer referrals that can provide the appropriate level of care. Conducting more than 150 presentations and in-service training workshops about guiding children through their loss and grief, we have become a proven resource for Rhode Island agencies that seek bereavement services for their community members.
Who We Serve, and How
FRIENDS WAY, Rhode Island's only children's bereavement center, features former participants who are examples of resiliency in their grief. Watch how our organization makes a change in the lives of these remarkable participants.